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Eyelash Extension Guide

Have you been considering eyelash extensions? I’m sure you’ve heard a friend talk about them or have seen them on social media. Eyelash extensions are a great way to have a fresh makeup look without spending extra time applying mascara.

Who wants to spend more time getting ready if they don’t have to?! Here I will go over how the lash process works to help you better understand the do’s and don’ts of eyelash extensions.

How Do I Get Started With Eyelash Extensions?

To get started with your eyelash extension journey, first you will need to search for a licensed lash artist.

At All Cut Up Salon, Gabby is a certified Lash Addict Artist and took courses through the Institute of Beauty and Wellness in Milwaukee.


Once you have decided which lash artist you will be visiting, you will want to set up a consultation. The consultation is important for the lash artist to get to know you and your beauty goals.

During the consultation, the artist will need to examine your eyes to ensure they are in good health to hold an extension. Following the examination, you will be asked a few simple questions to be sure you are a good candidate for the service. Eyelash extensions are not for everyone and require a daily care routine and up keep.

Different Eyelash Extension Styles

There are many options when it comes to lash extension style. If you are looking to enhance your natural eyelashes, a classic set of lash extensions may work best for you. A classic set is when one extension is glued to one natural eyelash.

If you are looking for a more dramatic look, a volume lash set will give you a more dimensional and textured look. Volume lashes consist of multiple extensions glued to one natural eyelash.

Hybrid eyelash extensions are also an option where the artist combines a classic set and volume set to customize your lash goals.

Lash Addict Eyelash Extension Styles

First Lash Appointment: The Full Set

Typically, your first set of eyelash extensions will take the longest. The average person has about 100 -150 natural eyelashes per eye! That being said, about 300 eyelash extensions will be applied during the full lash set service.

At the beginning of every lash appointment, the artist will start with cleansing your lashes and around your eyes with a water base (oil free) cleanser. Following that, collagen gel pads will be placed right below each eye. Next the artist will tape over any exposed lashes on the lower lash line to prevent any glue touching them.

Your lash artist may ask to keep talking and movement to a minimum-this is to ensure the tape stays in place and your lashes are applied with ease and correctly. Feel free to bring some ear buds, relax your eyes and enjoy some YOU time!

How Long Will My Lash Extensions Last?

This is the most common, and most difficult to answer question. To be honest, everyone is different. Just like your hair and nails, your natural eyelashes go through a growth cycle. Every day we lose natural lashes. When you have eyelash extensions, your will likely notice more eyelash shedding. Don’t be alarmed this is totally normal!

Depending on your natural lashes and your daily lash care, eyelash extensions can last 4-6 weeks on average.

Scheduling Your Fills

Now that you’ve become a Lash Addict, you will want to schedule lash fills.

Do I Need to Get a Lash Fill?

Yes, you want to be sure to schedule your fills. It is recommended to schedule your fills every two to four weeks. You will notice when it is time to get a fill. Your eyelash extensions will begin to lack fullness and length.

If you decide not to get a fill, your extensions will grow out and shed with your natural lashes during the lash growth cycle. If you would rather not wait for them to fall out naturally, you will then need to schedule a removal service with your lash artist.

The Dos and Don’ts of Eyelash Extensions

The salon aftercare of your lashes is very important. Better lash care will extend the life of your eyelash extensions.

When you leave the salon wait at least 24 hour before getting your eyelashes wet. The glue holding your extensions is cured on the outside but needs a full 24 hours to complete.

Lash After Care & a Daily Routine

Lash after care is key to keeping your lashes healthy, extensions intact and looking lush! As you become more comfortable with your extensions you will find yourself creating your own routine with them. Hygiene is important and what products you use are just as important. Please be sure to cleanse and groom your lashes daily. When using products such as cleansers and make up, you will want to avoid anything oil based. The oil in products will break the glue bond holding the extension. Water based products are recommended with your eyelash extensions.

Turn Down the Heat!

When using a hair dryer, be sure to adjust the settings to a lower heat and keep the dryer away from your face. If the heat is too high and comes into contact with your lashes, your extensions could be compromised.

Don’t Touch

Do not pull, pick or rub your eyes! Something to keep in mind is that each individual extension is held on by a tiny bit of glue. You want to be careful not only because pulling, picking, and rubbing your eyes could ruin your extensions, but it also could damage your natural eyelashes. When you pull on your extensions or rub your eyes too aggressively, you may strain or pull out your natural lashes.

Remember healthy lashes are happy lashes!


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